Wisdom and Keen Insight Born of Extensive Experience
“I had the good fortune to work with Jim Terhune from July 2018-December 2022 when he served, serially, as Interim Dean of Students, VP and Dean of Students, and VP for Student Affairs at Swarthmore College. He is a valued colleague who has excellent judgment, deep compassion, a ready wit, and the wisdom and keen insight born of extensive experience. He is also an excellent communicator. I especially appreciated his ability to both empathize with individual students and their circumstances and keep his focus on the College’s mission and core values. He inspired my trust as well as the trust of the various College constituencies — faculty, students and their families, fellow administrators, the Board, and alumni.”
President, Swarthmore College
A Creative Strategic Thinker
“I have relied on Jim’s professionalism and wisdom for over two decades. He brings a thorough understanding of the full range of challenges and opportunities faced by student development teams. He is a fantastic coach for staff at any level, a creative strategic thinker, and the person you want by your side when you are managing tough crises. Our student development teams are working in environments where the scope and volume of work is increasing at breathtaking speed. Jim can help fill holes and develop long-term plans. In this current environment, we need more former VPs to provide these kinds of services.”
President, Denison University
Impressive Expertise in Critical Areas
“Jim Terhune is a strong and experienced student life professional who brings significant talents and vision to his consulting practice. I worked with Jim for nearly 10 years at Colby College, and in that time I came to know well the depth and quality of his grasp of student life issues and practices. More than any other student life professional I have known, Jim understands that educational values and opportunities must guide student life programs. He is a serious student of the field, and he has impressive expertise in critical areas of campus life, including diversity, student judicial programs, leadership, athletics, sexual assault prevention, and residential life. Jim is a strategic thinker, and I would strongly recommend him to any institution seeking to set strategic and long-term directions for student life and learning. His strategic student life plan for Colby–‘Colby 360’–was the most creative strategic plan for student life that I have encountered during my time in higher education. In sum, I strongly recommend Jim to any college or university administration seeking to strengthen campus life and culture.”
Chair, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2014-2017
President, Colby College, 2000-2014
President, Bucknell University, 1995-2000
Invaluable in Helping Shape the University’s Deliberations
“With a very small window of time to complete a project, we engaged Jim to provide assistance. From submission of his proposal to his final report, he never missed a beat. His professional demeanor and extensive knowledge of higher education was a winning combination. Everyone with whom he communicated on campus was positive about their interactions. His final report was invaluable in helping shape the university’s deliberations going forward. Unlike many consultants, Jim’s work was on budget and on time. We couldn’t have accomplished what we needed to do in the time allotted without his expertise.”
Associate Provost, Tufts University
Instrumental in Helping Us To Advance
“We engaged Jim in his school partnership model and are glad we chose that option. He has been instrumental in helping us to advance several important strategic initiatives, providing us with an invaluable road map and helping to identify potential challenges and obstacles. His presentation to our full board of trustees was outstanding, and he has offered us an important external lens through which to see our school and work. Everyone with whom Jim has come in contact, from faculty to senior administrators to trustees, has benefitted from his professionalism, wide-ranging experience, and personal attention to detail.”
Dean of College Counseling
Director of Strategic Initiatives, St. Paul’s School
Powerful Insights and Key Recommendations
“Jim’s work with Middlebury College was carefully planned, thorough, and thoughtfully executed. Meeting individually with faculty, staff, and administrators, and in focus groups with dozens of students, Jim asked probing and original questions that generated crucial feedback. His timely and detailed report is filled with powerful insights and key recommendations that will guide ongoing work across the division of student life. Both highly professional and extremely personable, Jim is a pleasure to work with, and I know we will continue to call on his expertise in years to come.”
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of the College
Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture
Middlebury College
Depth of Knowledge and Wide-Ranging Perspective
“Jim brings a depth of knowledge and wide-ranging perspective to the challenges and needs in the student development sphere. I benefited from his creativity, careful thinking and wisdom during my service as Colby College’s provost and dean of faculty. He is an exceptional colleague and exactly the person to work with during difficult times on campus. He is a talented coach for staff and he can quickly bring his skills and energy to any problem, offering solid and responsive analysis and strategic thinking.”
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz